12 months have passed since we set off on our RideWest 2018 journey. In fact, last ANZAC Day was celebrated in Morven outside of Augathella with the community – with Al laying a wreath on our behalf.
Thanks to all the wonderful supporters $340,000 was raised… we want to share the impact you are having through the attached update from RFDS on the wonderful program they’ve been able to establish.
The Royal Flying Doctor Service, the trusted face of health care in the bush for 90 years, have invested the funds in the latest mental health program – Welllbeing Out West (WOW).
Additionally as a direct effect on the publicity and awareness raising we generated, RFDS Drought Wellbeing Service benefited from a transition from a one year to a four year State Government commitment.
RideWest has helped provide long term mental health services for communities in the West.
Thank you for your commitment. And if you’re keen to be a part of RideWest 2020 be sure to contact us for the latest sponsorship pack: ride.west@hallchadwickqld.com.au